Stefano Ciccarelli – Bio

Incredibly Passionate about Science and Technology since he was a kid, he is an avid reader of non-fiction books about those topics, factors that expanded during his growth the knowledge and the consciousness necessary to understand modern critical issues related to Innovation and Technology and its usage among society.

He strongly believes that part of the scientific knowledge not yet understood and discovered it is not a problem solvable from the individual perspective, but from a systemical social one.

That’s why he decided to graduate in Economics and Mangement and purse the Corporate Finance path: understanding the way the human behaviors and incentives work and the financial system is build, make it possible to increase systemically the interest and the support to the scientific field.

Not casually his second main passion is Politics since it is via the social impact and resource allocation that the human technological development can happen, with a systemically chaotic relationship.

During high school (Classical Italian High School) he was frequently awarded and recognized for his critical and innovative approach to social themes and for his love for the legality and work ethic as the best social mobility system: his main opera during those years (age of 19) is the “Manifesto della Geniocrazia” (Geniocracy Manifesto), published online for free and downloaded by more than 500+ people.

In 2019 the Italian Minister of Justice recognized his work during the awarding of “Legalità e Merito nei Licei” program (Legality and Merit into High Schools), where he used as a volunteer an innovative approach to teach digital skills to youngs into high schools, with a focus on the importance of ethics and legality.

Finished the High School as A student, at the age of 21 he obtained the maximum recognition from University’s Board for his Experimental Thesis (Bachelor Degree): “Community sentiment e l’andamento dei mercati finanziari” (Community sentiment and the development of financial markets).

The University released online for free to scientific research his thesis, where he built one of the first Machine Learning Algorithm to show how it is possible to value a company (especially if it is a startup with negative cash flow) basing on its community size, allowing into Impact Investing framework to recognize more opportunities related to new companies that require to invest into scientific research before to succeed on the market.
An NLP algorithm and 10 years of the historical tweets about “Tesla” Company were used to derive and sample the Community Sentiment daily value, which obtained a correlation approximately equal to 94% with its daily Financial performance.

Enrolled into Corporate Finance Master’s Degree he was selected into a highly competitive process to become a QTEM Degree student, an International Master’s Degree recognized in more than 20 countries worldwide.
The main scope of this program is to identify the best students (generally 5 per Master’s Degree) worldwide from the best universities ( with a focus on technologies and innovation for Businesses ) in each country.

He ranked among the top in Italy, with a specialization in Finance (currently pursued at Edhec Business School (Nice, France) – the 1st University for Finance in the World) and Big Data and Business Intelligence (pursued at Warwick Business School – Among the Top Universities Worldwide for Analytics studies).

The Ranking was established via a mix of GMAT (an international standardized test, to evaluate the candidate performance), Corporation Interviews (McKinsey and Company, BCG, etc.) and Outstanding Academic & Extracurricular Criteria.

Stefano during the High Selective QTEM Interview with Academic and Corporation Partners.

During 2019 he participated in one of the most demanding European School of Artificial Intelligence, at Imperial College London, obtaining an exceptionally rare score.

He supports “10 Volte Meglio” Political Party (10 Times Better), as the young national team leader, with the hope of bringing his knowledge and work ethic to his country, and to support the spread of the use of new technologies in Italy.

Studying in Warwick Business School, together with other 3 QTEM students, he arrived at First Place of one of the most important UK Investment Challenges, presenting to 2 top financial experts an Investment Portfolio strategy obtained using advanced quantitative techniques for financial optimization and idealized to exploit successfully the most important macroeconomics events in a dynamic and proactive way, bringing Luiss Guido Carli University to publish an official honor awarding recognition in Italy.