Why Artificial Intelligence is a Basic Human Right.

Cristoforo Colombo (AI Élite) meeting native Americans (Majority of Modern Society)

Automation is a cyclical human and animal event. Our ancestors automated breathing, muscular, and survival responses. Similarly, we automated food production, that during the pre-industrial era occupied 50-80% of the population while now this statistic is equal to or less than 2%. This happens in our micro-environments too, as in the case of transportation and communication, where today we cover the majority of our distances and of our communications utilizing machines such as vehicles and computers.

Automation insurrection comes whenever analyzed in relationship with consciousness and cognitive attention: in a universe where consciousness doesn’t exist, automation wouldn’t acquire a meaning.

Crystallizing a perceived optimal logic in a modular hermetic seal and mimicking it on a large scale its archetypical shape appears to be the constant pattern of nature and consciousness.
From a multitude of entities, aligned over a sufficiently similar replica, could come a new perceived optimal logic that will replace the original framework. A necessary occurrence regulated by our internal pain and pleasure biological recorders (acting as a sort of meta-automation).

A natural law, that requires societies leveraging automation, to be marginally able to improve it in order to survive. The improvement doesn’t necessarily need to happen on a technical direct level, but rather from its compounded and holistic utilization in order to achieve beneficial outcomes.

The environment interactions are definable as a function of resources and time, as a consequence, the physical constraint in terms of marginal improvements comes from the limited amount of individuals and their relative knowledge/intelligence, personality, and energy and the time (as the ability to absorb patterns at a certain rhythm/frequency threshold).

Is evident the sub-standard of the current society’s status, since is incapable of simulating the real sphere of potential outcomes and their relative compounded benefits.
Having one individual experimenting with different frameworks, in terms of time-space and resource is not much distant in terms of efficiency from a single fly, which gives birth to up 600 replicas.

It would be unnecessary to invest billions of resources in exploring and expanding a single industry, whether the reachable outcome is equivalent to a kindergarten toy compared to the universe scale.
The issue with the approach our societies leverage automation stands within the unclarity and misunderstanding of its importance and its mechanisms.

Is necessary to eradicate the ancestral and linear expectations over life and societal mechanisms, this is a dangerous blocker that forces us to hold into a strictly sub-optimal state of civilization, for the pure seek of survival and comfort.

The collective vision to instaurate is that is absolutely necessary to reach a status of hyper-simulation: deprecating our current framework and focalizing the large-scale resources to be able to sustain and evolve into a decentralized organism/entity able to I) Extract, memorize and collect Information; II) Understand and produce Knowledge and III) Communicate objectively and produce Decisions based on significant fundaments.

Extending the definition of the ego and being able to interconnect the consciousness, merging with the singularity will be the key meta-automation to ensure that the hyper-simulation will not evaporate the human race once achieved superior intellectual capabilities (within the sphere of outcomes the current separation of the consciousness from the automation of the intelligence will represent no marginal benefit to the intelligence itself, but rather a cost or risk).

This means that Artificial General Intelligence should exist and execute over a hyper prefrontal cortex (hosted by the human): it should not be allowed to separate intelligence automation from consciousness existence and any action towards this direction must be classified as an existential threat.

On top of this, AGI should be composed of at least 3 modular hermetic entities:
– One being able to generate an unlimited amount of outcomes
– One being able to discriminate the conflict of interests or values of the potential outcomes relative to the individual and the society.
– One being able to fine-tune and evaluate the status of the previous 2 AGIs.

In case of failure of one of the 3 AGIs (tested with fictitious scenarios), that one should be deprecated in favor of a different version. The scenarios running should be multiple and parallel and indistinguishable from the AGI perceived reality perspective.

The 3 AGIs should never be able to survive the death of the human host and neither should be able to communicate with other organically hosted AGIs. Each individual should receive a distilled summary of the hyper-simulation conclusions (filtered by the discriminatory AGI) and eventually share it within a cluster of individuals.

The capacities associated with the boundless AGI should be always inferior to the one able only to discriminate unilaterally the quality of the scenarios and the latter should never be able to communicate at a rate higher than the ability of the consciousness of perceiving information.

The conclusions should be evaluated in an environment simulator and executed within a horizon superior to the maximum timespan of the boundless AGI.

Leaving to private institutions the ability to externalize the intelligence from the human consciousness, without any incentive to the super-intelligence to keep our societies alive, should be considered an extreme non-linear danger, on top of the main political agendas.
The main reason for this topic not being discussed is not necessarily the technical inability of reaching a superintelligence status (that experts consider likely in the coming years), but rather the inability of the decision-makers to understand the situation we already are in and its relative consequences.

Private entities are the fruit of the tentative of maximizing human individual capabilities to reach superior decisions on a large scale, but whenever we translate the intelligence over an ecosystem not driven by known human levers, it is pointless to discuss in terms of individualistic profit-driven advancements. As a consequence, artificial intelligence and its relative potential capability of individuating micro and macro decisions at a capacity that is far superior to the individual one, must be identified as a public matter and associated proactively with a set of collective rights and legal standards.

Whatever is produced as an output of an AI should not be considered 100% property of the private institutions, but rather the outcome of the collective efforts in terms of historical scientific and social developments. There should be, at least initially a profit achievable in order to incentive the development of the technology, but the big picture should be supervised and merged into the framework of internalizing rather than externalizing the intelligence over the collectivity.

In summary:

  • Accessibility to Intelligence is a human right, intended in all forms and technologies.
    The bottom 1% of Individuals (by intelligence capabilities) should be able to access without influence an intelligence capacity of at least 50% of the top 1% of individuals.
  • Intelligence must be dependent on consciousness to exist.
    Any scenario involving the separation of consciousness from intelligence should be considered an existential threat and taken seriously into the public debate to be prevented as soon as possible.
  • Artificial Intelligence is primarily a public good, in all its forms.
    Any individual or group of individuals, on the verge of owning restricted / exclusive access to exponentially superior intelligence capabilities, developed intrinsically or extrinsically, should be classified as a threat, and any support must hold until the conditions indicate the transformation of the accessibility from esoteric to exoteric.

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