An Innovative Approach I Used to Teach into a High School the Importance of Ethics and Legality

It’s Difficult to Attract and Retain the Attention of the Young.
Especially when you try to Transmit Techincal and Specific skills and Knowledge.

This was, in fact, a challenge that I had to resolve in occasion of the National Project “Legalità e Merito Nei Licei” (Legality and Merit into High Schools).
This project organized together with the high spheres of the Minister of Education required to a group of selected Italian university students to diffuse the importance of Ethics and Legality among High Schools’ Students.

As a student I immediately understood that the “classical” frontal lesson would be ineffective: it would be necessary to find a new way to let the student to interesting to the argument in an active way and not a passive one

So I tried to build an incentivizing structure to let the student internalize the concept using them in a practical way

So I idealized a “Legal Hackathon” to let students try to resolve Legality Problems using their creativity and “digital skills”

The Problem was the Gap of Digital Skills, so I decided to share my Knowledge to let them interact and use successfully those Abilities to open an entire universe of solutions

This Innovative Approach, inserted in the Bottom-Up and Learning by Doing logics open them to the new LifeLong Learning world, giving them the mental flexibility necessary to succeed in the next decade made of constantly changing skills demand

Here are some of the Tools that They Found Useful to Learn to be able to Use them both for personal and professional purpose, useful to increase and maximize productivity and efficiency:


A Web site where you can develop professional graphic content for free, there are various templates and formats available depending on the platform on which you want to publish


A Web site where to find professional images with free unlimited use also for commercial purposes, advice to use it to process slides or content through Canva


Artificial Intelligence based translator that translates almost perfectly a text from English to Italian and vice versa, other languages are also available


MOOC Online (Site for Online Courses), where you can learn skills of any kind

  • Download the Honey extension before buying a course, in fact the real price of a course is always around 10-15 euros (or dollars), even those whose original price is 200, with this application (If you click it and activate while you are on the page of the specific course) you can automatically find the code to enter to receive the discount and pay the course you like for 10-15 euros (or dollars)


MOOC Online, but more professional, often, in fact, the courses are taught by professors of the most important universities in the world: for example, you can follow some courses in a subject that you like to be able to understand if that is your way
Often the courses are free and you only pay if you want the certificate

  • If you have problems with English (Listening) you should try to follow it (in the long term you will need a lot) or try to see if there are subtitles


One of the fastest growing programming languages, it is very simple to learn but also very powerful, anyone can learn it easily and create what they like best (the only limit is the imagination, perhaps) even an Artificial Intelligence

  • Learn the basics on Solo Learn (Smartphone App) and try to solve problems like these:
  • Recommended text for the bases:
  • Recommended Text for Advanced:
  • To Create Artificial Intelligence:
  • Remember: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel Always search on Google if Someone has already solved your problem (in most cases it’s like that but you’d better search in English) and copy and paste its code or use its form or its library and adapt it to your solution


Very powerful and versatile tool to create Professional Web Sites or Personal Blogs (about 40% of Online Platforms today are developed in WordPress, in fact even the largest companies use it)

Just upload it and install it on your server and you’re ready in 10 minutes You can choose many themes, even free, and plugins (support tools that add features to your site, such as the contact form, etc.).

  • You can use many servers with WordPress already installed, there are many and generally, for basic functions are enough a few dozen euros a year
  • The Recommended Servers are Aruba or Register Just choose the “WordPress” service and select the URL (the name that ends with .it or .com generally)


Application for Finding Events, tending to Theme, in your area, great for meeting new people interested in specific topics and to do Networking (expand your network of knowledge for professional or personal reasons)


Extension to automatically invite people who put Like to their Facebook posts to put Like and then follow their Facebook Page

  • Useful Sponsor an Engaging Post and only then invite to put Like to Page the people who interact with that post


Social Network for Professional Relations, useful to look for people working in areas of interest to a project (or even just for job search), you can select the city of preference in the search in order to find people to connect to contact and then invite for a coffee and/or an aperitif during which you can ask for useful tips for the development of your project or your professional career


A Web site where you can find professional freelancers to develop work of any kind, useful for example to delegate the creation of a logo, a video, etc..


A useful site to find professional answers to questions of all kinds

Google Analytics

Google service to connect to your website (easier to do if it is WordPress) to measure how many people go on your site, who they are, where they come from, which pages they visit, how long they stay, etc..
Useful for “Re-targeting”, then to show later targeted advertising on Google through Google AdWords

Google Trends

Google service to analyze trends and searches on Google (and also YouTube) in the world or in specific geographical areas, as well as to analyze the progress of searches in specific geographical areas

Facebok Pixels

Facebook tool available in the Facebook Ads section (Creating a digital campaign) to measure which people have gone to our site or our specific article

  • Useful to classify which people have a specific interest (example specific article that is read only by interested people) in such a way as to launch an advertisement that is shown only to people who have read that article Makeup to make the advertisements much more engaging


An online site where you can update on which startups you are investing in the world, so as to get an idea of where the world is going in terms of investments in Venture Capital (Risk Capital generally invested in Innovative Start-Up)
Useful to understand which new models can make a Start-Up or a New Business sustainable

Invision – Just In Mind –

Sites to quickly create a prototype or a concept of Digital Service or App to show and test

Typeform / Google Forms –

Sites for fast creation of forms for surveys and market analysis

  • Always analyse the problem at the beginning and understand if it exists, never point out the solution, only at the end a brief hint Don’t influence the user who responds in order to obtain the most objective opinion possible on our solution that at the beginning will have a high probability of being wrong but that must be adapted with frequent feedback to the needs defined by users

Themeforest – Graphicriver –

Sites where you can find professional digital content ready to adapt to your specific needs

  • Themeforest to find professional WordPress Sites ready (ready-to-use structure to which you have to change the text and sometimes the images)
  • Graphicriver to find Slides or professional graphic content ready (Template or Mock Up) to which you need to change the writing and wanting images

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